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职位编号:  QZRJOB000023470 学历要求:  本科以上
招聘人数:  若干 工作经验:  不限
工作地区:  天津- 性别要求:  不限
发布日期:  2017-3-16 年龄要求:  不限
招聘期限:  2017-5-15 待遇水平:  面议
Provide operational suppt to bank insurance channel, to ensure each business under smooth, precise,efficient operation.
1. 兼业代理资格管理:负责银行保险各合作银行网点的兼业代理资格的申报、维护等管理工作。
Acting qualification management: be in ge of the acting qualification application of bank insurance f cooperative bank netwk, maintenance.
2. 数据报表管理:负责部门每日业务报表的制作与管理,管理维护各业务渠道的业务数据,根据各渠道要求,对内外报表制作提供数据支持。
Data rept fm management: make daily business rept fm manage business data, provide data suppt in making rept fm.
3. 银行销售人员信息管理:对银行提供的销售人员信息进行系统的管理与维护。
Sales personnel infmation management: manage maintain the sales personnel infmation given by the bank.
4. 银行销售网点管理及系统维护:在iLife系统中对销售网点进行维护管理,包括新增、变更.
Sales netwk management system maintenance: maintain, manage upgrade the netwk under the iLife system.
5. 业务单证交接:负责执行银保渠道投保单和各类申请书等单证的交接,确保单证准确及时交接至相关单位和岗位;
Business documents transfer:
Be in ge of hing over bank insurance channel policy application to involved departments.
6. 业务单证的受理:银保渠道投保单和各类申请单的受理,确保投保单信息填写的完整性;并扫描通知作业单位进行系统处理。
Business documents acceptance: accept the bank insurance channel policies appications make sure that the policy is written crectly, scan the policy infm involved department to hle it.
7. 业务单证审核:负责审核投保单、保全申请书等各种业务单证是否负责受理要求,对填写错误的单证及时进行信息补充和更正;
Business document approval: check whether the policy application meet the requirement, promptly crect the wrong infmation.
8. 保险合同递交:与快递公司交接保险合同,对整个递送流程进行跟踪管控,保证整个流程的顺畅。
Insurance contract delivery: h over the insurance contract to express company,trace supervise the whole process f smooth delivery.
9. 签收回执录入:银保渠道签收回执系统输入,并提交签收回执月度报告。
The acknowledgement receipt log-in: log in the bank insurance channel receipt, submit the monthly receipt rept
10. 其他主管交待的事宜。
Other tasks assigned by line manager
1. 大学以上学历
Bachel's degree above
2. 具有3年以上工作经验,1年以上寿险运营工作经验
3 years' experience above, 1 year life insurance experience.
3. 能熟练运用Excel、Access等Office软件制作业务报表和数据分析报告
Well use office automation sofewares to make rept fm data analytic rept.
4. 有服务意识,具备一定的沟通能力和协调能力
Have service awareness, communicative codinating ability
5. 具备一定的学习能力,能够承受工作压力
Quick learning, bear pressure.



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